DAO funds decentralized node in China
In 2024, the Sentinel Growth DAO funded MathNodes to host a decentralized RPC server in mainland China to help our Chinese friends access the DVPN services and circumvent the GFW of China. The DAO has renewed the funding in 2025.
Introducing: Node Spawner
Here we introduce a community project by the member Tkd-Alex who has programmed a simple web interface to host Sentinel DVPN Nodes locally or remotely on a VPS with a very easy-to-use interface and all the bells and whistles.
The Analytics Challenge – Part I
Introducing our latest challenge: The MathNodes Metabase Monero Challenge. Curate analytics to better understand the Sentinel Blockchain and be rewarded in Monero for your contributions.
In our continued efforts to liberate citizens of oppressed regimes, we are providing a second update to the free internet in Iran series in hopes of spreading an open internet to the citizens of the country.
Privacy Tools for Common People
Let’s face it, big data and big government are spying on you whether you are doing something wrong or not. They are building personal profiles of every individual to be able to predict your behavior and ultimately will lead to a controlled state – even in the seemingly most democratic ones. Privacy Tools concentrates applications,…
Sentinel Resource Guide
A member from our community has put together a Sentinel Resource Guide which concentrates all the resources for the Sentinel Network into one central collective guide. Here you will find links to the current dApps for the Sentinel Network. Also, is links to Validator web pages and Telegram channels. It is important to “know they…