Today marks the start of a new crowdfunding campaign by MathNodes. We have previously awarded Monero bounties to developers who contribute code to our GitHub codebases. Similarly, we will use this same strategy to gain insight into the Sentinel blockchain with our analytics dashboard, Metabase.
Crypto currencies, especially privacy coins, enable fast, instant, and anonymous transactions and are an ideal way to crowdfund for development of resources on a global scale. Crypto currency was designed for such payments and we cannot think of a better way than to award participants that produce useful results with the ultimate privacy coin, Monero.
The Idea
We have integrated the Metabase software into our backend and integrated it with data from the Sentinel blockchain. Metabase allows for easy construction of data metrics, charts, graphs, maps and many more interesting statistical insights into a data set. We have constructed node maps, node uptime charts, node decentralization pie charts, node ASN pie charts, timeseries, and many more interesting analytics to peer into the Sentinel Network.
On September 12th, 2023 we released our Node leaderboard see here:
This leaderboard made use of the query builder inside Metabase to construct the final results shown above. The design of the query made possible by the Metabase query builder can be seen as follows:

The Challenge
If you haven’t already signed up for MathNodes Metabase (MnM), please head over to and sign-up for a free account at the bottom of the page. An e-mail verification will be sent to your provided e-mail address and we contact the winners via e-mail so it is essential that you use a reliable e-mail account. Feel free to use a psuedonym as your name if you prefer to remain anon.
Head over to the Sentinel Analytics section and find the Node Leaderboard query and open it

You will be presented with the results of the constructed query. Click on the ‘Show Editor’ icon to bring up the query builder so that you may begin the challenge.

Once opened you will be presented with the MnM query builder interface as displayed earlier and below as a reminder.

Now, we finally get to the point of what we want you, the curator, to do to receive the Monero reward.
Node Leaderboard – Bandwidth Metric
We developed the Node Leaderboard for hourly subscriptions. Using the above instructions we want you to alter this query, using the query builder, to construct a node leaderboard based on two data points:
- Allocated Bandwidth
- Consumed Bandwidth
Use the Node Leadboard query and adjust it so it summarizes each of those data points. Once you think you have solved each of these two challenges, save the queries, with a different name so you don’t overwrite the Hourly Node Leaderboard. Preferably the query names should be
- Node Leaderboard – Allocated Bandwidth
- Node Leaderboard – Consumed Bandwidth
If we tell you any more of what to do, we would give away the whole challenge.
The Reward
Each query will be awarded 0.15 XMR for a total of 0.30 XMR and we will decide the winner if there are multiple users who created the same query based on timestamp and accuracy. We will e-mail the user with instructions to receive the bounty shortly after we announce the winner(s).
Good luck to all who attempt his straightforward challenge!
If you need to contact us in anyway please visit the MathNodes Telegram Channel or Discord Channel from the links in the header of this page.